Restore Harmony Within

Hi, my name is

Emily Hayward

Cosmic Priestess, Light Language Healer

I use my voice as a healing instrument, channelling light language as a form of high-frequency light and sound healing.My mission is to assist sensitive souls during this time of ascension into unity consciousness.I work with my cosmic team, bringing unique healing alchemy that spans generations and lifetimes simultaneously. I combine my light language, heart-coherence and priestess magic to help restore you to the truth of who you are, freeing you from fearful, toxic and distorted energies and blocks keeping you feeling heavy and stuck, weighing you down and dimming your shine. A lot of them aren’t even yours!My unique light codes spring from my heart and act as key codes that help unlock your greatest potential, along with helping you access the deeper wisdom and power held within you.

Experience liberation from fear and know the power of your light


You are not here by accident. You are a divine design and it’s time to remember this and shine your light.

I believe we are alive at this time to remember ourselves as multidimensional beings of light connected to all that is.I am here to help bring more heart consciousness and divine feminine wisdom to the world where it has been stifled and suppressed for too long. I want to help you heal and step into your power so together we can shift the global consciousness away from so much fear and control, towards more love, compassion and connection.We are here to remember our true divine nature and reconnect to our heart power and body wisdom. By doing so, we can embody our light and shine it fearlessly, restoring love and harmony to ourselves and our world.The ascension process can be deeply challenging, confusing and overwhelming at times. I walk this path with you and know how intense it can be. It takes immense commitment, courage and compassion. You don’t have to go through it alone.I have been helping people heal for over 22 years. I have gone through my own deep alchemical healing journey, multiple spiritual initiations, and dark nights. I have fully healed from years of chronic fatigue, physical ailments, and emotional pain. I have learned how grounded, strong and empowered I can be as a highly sensitive and empathic Starseed. Now I am here to help you too.

Restore harmony within, with light language

Are you ready to feel more clean, clear and free?

Toxic and distorted or foreign energies, patterns and programmes from all your lifetimes and ancestry and experience freedom

Your power and your sovereignty. Re-establish your template of truth and remember who you truly are and came here to be

Your inner harmony, health, well-being and wholeness. Remember your gifts and purpose

Your life force and truly come alive in your wholeness. Be more fully and radiantly you

Healing with light

Light language comes through the heart and speaks to your soul and does not need to be understood mentally. You always receive what you most need that serves the highest good.Clients often feel a sense of familiarity when they hear it and report profound changes in their health and life when they experience the healing effects.My light language comes from my higher self and team and is a powerful ancient and advanced cosmic healing modality. My high-frequency transmissions of light and sound codes bring multidimensional energy clearing and healing, restoring your system to a true and pure harmonic beyond distortion and fear-based energies so you can shine in your wholeness.Energy threads and themes that span multiple lifetimes can be healed simultaneously in the present, which resolves the surface symptoms and issues that you may be experiencing.Experience more freedom, strength and empowerment and live lighter.

About me

Who I am and where I am now, is not something I could ever have put on my vision board! Whereas many healers remember their gifts from childhood, I didn’t remember mine until my mid-forties. I had to embark on a painful process of healing the wounding I had experienced around them in other lifetimes before I could fully use them in this lifetime. I spent years working on myself and my gifts, in what was a deeply challenging and lonely process. I had to learn experientially and was thrown crown chakra into the deep end. I had to go down into the darkness and meet the shadowy depths to rise into the Priestess I came here to be.

Explore my offerings

Light language alchemy pods

These short but potent Light Language transmissions help alchemise old pain into power. Working multidimensionally for what you most need, you may experience a profound release of old energies not serving you, deep healing and activation of your deepest truth.These transmissions work beautifully as a sequence. Purchase all for £88.

11-min video: includes a release and clearing of old attachments, stagnant energies, blocks and constraining patterns

11-min video: a light bath for the heart. With tenderness, my light codes help you come deeper into your heart, so you can heal the wounding held there

27-min video: helps you to step forward even when fear is trying to hold you back. Let fear be the messenger and move on with courage

34-min video: especially great for starseeds, helps you trust the call of your soul even when the path ahead is uncertain and unclear

14-min video: to help you stand in your power and authority and heal your relationship to power within

21-min video: light language transmission that helps release old programmes and conditioning, helping you break free from any blocks to your creative self-expression

Personalised light language transmissions

Receive multidimensional healing for your awakening journey

Are you ready to take your healing to new levels faster and move along your natural ascension journey with more empowerment?Experience freedom from layers of density from multiple lifetimes including; old programmes and distortion, ancestral and past life stories and traumas, negative energies and attachments, implants and intrusive energies.Move along your natural ascension journey with more empowerment and step into new levels of vibrancy, aliveness, health, abundance and joy.I will channel a personalised light language transmission for what you most need, what is for your benefit and serves the highest good. You can set intentions for what you most want to receive and it will be included.The recording will be sent to you to download within 2 weeks, often sooner. You can re-listen/watch as often as you feel called to as new layers may come up for you at different times.The duration will be roughly 30 minutes but may be shorter or longer depending on what comes through in the session. Trust that what you receive is what is needed and that the length of the transmission does not determine the potency.My transmissions can be deeply alchemising so take time and space to listen when you can be present and integrate it. You may receive energy clearings, healing and activations. The form of healing I do with Light Language spans all dimensions and lifetimes, so surface symptoms and issues you experience may be resolved at deeper levels bringing you peace and resolution of sometimes long-standing challenges in all areas of your life.

I am inundated with requests, so please join my temporary waitlist...

Personalised transmission testimonials

Personalised light language transmissions

Receive multidimensional healing for your awakening journey

Are you ready to take your healing to new levels faster and move along your natural ascension journey with more empowerment?Experience freedom from layers of density from multiple lifetimes including; old programmes and distortion, ancestral and past life stories and traumas, negative energies and attachments, implants and intrusive energies.Move along your natural ascension journey with more empowerment and step into new levels of vibrancy, aliveness, health, abundance and joy.I will channel a personalised light language transmission for what you most need, what is for your benefit and serves the highest good. You can set intentions for what you most want to receive and it will be included.The recording will be sent to you to download within 2 weeks, often sooner. You can re-listen/watch as often as you feel called to as new layers may come up for you at different times.The duration will be roughly 30 minutes but may be shorter or longer depending on what comes through in the session. Trust that what you receive is what is needed and that the length of the transmission does not determine the potency.My transmissions can be deeply alchemising so take time and space to listen when you can be present and integrate it. You may receive energy clearings, healing and activations. The form of healing I do with Light Language spans all dimensions and lifetimes, so surface symptoms and issues you experience may be resolved at deeper levels bringing you peace and resolution of sometimes long-standing challenges in all areas of your life.

Please provide your email address so that I can email a link to the video recording once it is ready. Watch as often as you wish.

Due to high demand, you will receive the recording within 2 weeks of payment. Refunds are not available. Your data will not be shared. Privacy policy and terms.

One to one healing & mentoring

Signup to my 6 or 12 session programmes

Please provide your email address. Once purchased, I will email you to arrange an appointment time for your first session.

6 * 1 Hour Sessions

Refunds are not available. Your data will not be shared. Privacy policy and terms.

12 * 1 Hour Sessions

Refunds are not available. Your data will not be shared. Privacy policy and terms.

One to one healing & mentoring

Body and soul alchemy

Healing works in a non-linear way. When deep wounds and patterns are present that are often from other lifetimes or your ancestry, it often takes deeper work over several sessions to unravel and heal. I partner with you on your healing journey and bring empathy and compassion to the sessions. I offer a space where you can feel safe and accepted, listened to and understood. As we journey through your healing process together, I offer tools and practical advice to integrate all the healing changes you experience into your daily life, enabling you to live from a more embodied state.

  • Remove toxic energies lodged in your system and thrive in health and vibrancy

  • Alchemise deeply held fears and traumas from multiple lifetimes into opportunities for growth and empowerment

  • Shift out of old patterns of suppression and constriction into lightness and freedom

  • Unravel from ancestral patterns keeping you stuck and heal yourself and your family

  • Call back your your power and reclaim parts of your soul to live in self-sovereignty

  • Heal wounds of the feminine and masculine within and restore your inner balance and harmony

1 * 1 hour Zoom call: £2226 * 1 hour Zoom calls: £1,22212 * 1 hour Zoom calls: £2,222

* My 6 and 12 session programmes are sacred containers that includes in-between session support and mentorship via email. Sessions are usually spaced every 1-2 weeks.

Book a single session below, or book a free call to discuss my longer programmes.

Please provide your email address. Once purchased, I will email you to arrange an appointment time. Due to high demand, I have a 2-3 week wait for sessions.

Refunds are not available. Your data will not be shared. Privacy policy and terms.

One to one testimonials

Light language alchemy pods

Fast track your freedom

A quick 11-minute video includes a release and clearing of old attachments, stagnant energies, blocks and constraining patterns.Expect to feel clearer after this cosmic shower of light! You can use this whenever you need a quick cleanse and incorporate the practice into your daily life.

Please provide your email address. Once purchased, I will email you a link so you can watch the Light language alchemy pod video as often as you wish.

Refunds are not available. Your data will not be shared. Privacy policy and terms.

Light language alchemy pods

Forgive the past

This short 11-minute video is a light bath for the heart. With tenderness, my light codes help you come deeper into your heart, so you can heal the wounding held there.Often we need help with letting go of old hurt within the heart so we can truly move on.

Please provide your email address. Once purchased, I will email you a link so you can watch the Light language alchemy pod video as often as you wish.

Refunds are not available. Your data will not be shared. Privacy policy and terms.

Light language alchemy pods

Facing your fears

This 27-minute video helps you to step forward even when fear is trying to hold you back.Let fear be the messenger and move on with courage.This love-filled light language transmission helps you to release old stored fears and helps your nervous system heal from old survival patterns held within.

Please provide your email address. Once purchased, I will email you a link so you can watch the Light language alchemy pod video as often as you wish.

Refunds are not available. Your data will not be shared. Privacy policy and terms.

Light language alchemy pods

Trust your path

A 34-minute video to help you trust the call of your soul even when the path ahead is uncertain and unclear.Heal old lack of trust issues held deep within that might show up as self-doubt, fear of rejection, and procrastination.This light language transmission is great for starseeds, helping us trust we belong here and are always supported.

Please provide your email address. Once purchased, I will email you a link so you can watch the Light language alchemy pod video as often as you wish.

Refunds are not available. Your data will not be shared. Privacy policy and terms.

Light language alchemy pods

Stand in your power

A 14-minute video to help you stand in your power and authority and heal your relationship to power within.This light language transmission helps you release victim consciousness and helps you to know you are the power within your own life.Reclaim any power you have given away from this and other lifetimes and return to your sovereignty.

Please provide your email address. Once purchased, I will email you a link so you can watch the Light language alchemy pod video as often as you wish.

Refunds are not available. Your data will not be shared. Privacy policy and terms.

Light language alchemy pods

Own your magnificence

A 21-minute video to help you be who you came here to be.This light language transmission helps to remove old programmes and conditioning that have been keeping you masked, boxed in and shut down.Break free from any blocks to your creative self-expression. The codes placed within you are perfect. Be your unique magnificent self in the world.

Please provide your email address. Once purchased, I will email you a link so you can watch the Light language alchemy pod video as often as you wish.

Refunds are not available. Your data will not be shared. Privacy policy and terms.

Light language alchemy pods

The full series (6 videos)

A quick release and clearing of old attachments, stagnant energies and constraining patterns.Perfect for when you are feeling icky and need a cleanse.Includes a daily practice to clear your energy field.

Please provide your email address. Once purchased, I will email you a link so you can watch the full series of Light language alchemy pod videos as often as you wish.

Refunds are not available. Your data will not be shared. Privacy policy and terms.

Sensitive souls self-mastery series

A series of 4 videos

Sensitive souls, Empaths and Starseeds, are you ready to feel safe in your body and be stronger, freer and lighter? You are here on this planet at this time for a special reason. It is not to hide away in fear!It is time to free yourself of the old patterns, traumas and blocks that have been stopping you from fully being you.It is your time to embrace your sensitivity and know it as your strength and power. Your light and magic are what the world needs in these times of turbulence as we ascend into higher frequencies of New Earth.BE a strong sensitive, embodied empath and grounded Starseed.This is a 3 part series plus bonus video. Each video is roughly 40 minutes long and the bonus is a 20-minute extra. In each video are teachings and light language transmissions.It is time to break free from all that has kept you small and held you back so you can awaken to the wholeness and vastness of you. The world needs your light.

Please provide your email address. Once purchased, I will email you a link so you can watch the full series of sensitive souls self-mastery videos as often as you wish.

Refunds are not available. Your data will not be shared. Privacy policy and terms.

  • Video 1: IGNITE Know your truth, your power, your light. In part one, I bring forth a light code activation to help you access your deepest truth within. To steep in your inner knowing of who you truly are in all your uniqueness. It is time to remember that your sensitivity is a strength and gift and much needed in these times.

  • Video 2: RELEASE Let go of old identities keeping you small and playing safe. I bring through a deep cleanse with light language to help you heal on multidimensional levels so you can release stored traumas and pain and old patterns of limitation and fear. Unravel from the past and let go.

  • Video 3: UPLIFT AND UPLEVEL Uplift and uplevel with this powerful activation of truth, sovereignty, freedom and expansion. Know your strength and heart power. Access forgotten key codes, and step into your next levels of empowerment and embodiment. It is time to shine your light and be in your full authentic self-expression.

  • Bonus Video 4: ALIGN This video assists in integrating all the previous transmissions. These light codes help you be in your heart power and access your cosmic wisdom. There is a lot of support for your physical vessels to enable you to integrate the influxes of light so you can shine brightly.

Sensitive souls self-mastery testimonials

FREE light language transmission

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

Light language alchemy pods

Fast track your freedom

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

Light language alchemy pods

Forgive the past

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

Light language alchemy pods

Facing your fears

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

Light language alchemy pods

Trust your path

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

Light language alchemy pods

Stand in your power

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

Light language alchemy pods

Own your magnificence

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

Sensitive souls self-mastery series

Video 1 • Ignite

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

Sensitive souls self-mastery series

Video 2 • Release

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

Sensitive souls self-mastery series

Video 3 • Uplift and Uplevel

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

Sensitive souls self-mastery series

Bonus Video 4 • Align

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

Light language alchemy pods

The full series: click to view each video

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

Sensitive souls

Self-mastery series: click to view each video

Discover how I can support you further. Or book a free connection call to discuss my personalised recordings and one to one programme.

my story

Emily Hayward

My sensitivity

I had a long challenging journey to where I am now. I have always been highly sensitive and empathic and spent much of my life frozen and shut down with CPTSD, feeling life was too harsh and overwhelming for me.I was diagnosed with Chronic fatigue when I was 19 which lasted on and off for decades and spent much of my earlier years trying to heal. I immersed myself in self-help and learned about and trained in healing modalities. Healing trauma and overcoming these life challenges helped me develop the courage, fortitude and strength that made me the healer I am today and be able to hold space for and bring immense compassion to those on their healing and awakening journeys.

My spiritual awakening

It wasn’t until my forties that I went through an intense and challenging spiritual awakening where my inner and outer worlds started to fall apart. I embarked upon a set of spiritual initiations and dark nights of the soul. I started to connect more deeply to my heart and as I did so magic started to happen. I was able to come more and more into zero point and from here transmute dense energies and heal across lifetimes and my ancestral lines.

My spiritual awakening, continued...

I had always felt a deep connection and love of nature and our earth and had a passion for gardening. I was never interested in Sci-fi so it came as a dramatic surprise when I started to open up to my gifts of seeing energies and other beings not of this world and being able to traverse dimensions for healing. I remembered that I am a Starseed and have been a priestess in many lifetimes working with and transmitting cosmic frequencies for healing myself and others. It became even more strange as I started to experience and embody aspects of my higher self that were star beings and then speak light language out of the blue.

My Light Language

Once my light language came online, I started to develop several dialects, often speaking it for hours a day in my spiritual practice. It became clear that this was not just a mode of expression but also a form of powerful cosmic energy clearing and healing.I spent several years pretty much alone, going through spiritual initiations, relying only on my connection to Source and developing these gifts so I could share them. I became aware that I had been activated at this time of ascension to help establish New Earth and help others heal. I am still learning, growing and expanding and excited as to where this journey is going. It is an honour to be able to offer these transmissions and help restore unity and harmony at this time.

my qualifications

  • BSc (Hons) Health Psychology

  • Dip ION Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy

  • AAMET EFT (level 2 Practitioner)

  • Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath certified Practitioner

  • Compassion Key level one certified Practitioner

FREE light language transmission

FREE Heart Haven

  • Feel more calm, centred and grounded

  • Reduce stress and Improve your health and wellbeing

  • Regulate your nervous system & restore inner harmony

  • Connect to your heart’s wisdom and intuitive guidance

  • Become more embodied light and live from the inside out

  • Be part of co-creating New Earth by cultivating more love, unity and harmony

free weekly group meditation and healing

If you are looking to experience a deeper connection to your heart, body and soul, along with the earth and the cosmos, I invite you to join my free weekly Heart Haven 20-minute group meditation followed by a 10-minute light language transmission.I am a Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath certified Practitioner and Light Language Healer and have been helping people heal and feel safe and well in their bodies for over 22 years.I will guide you through simple grounding practices and heart coherence techniques that help you gently connect to your body, your heart and inner wisdom. When we are in a state of coherence, the heart, brain and nervous system work together in harmony, bringing unity between our mind, body, and spirit. From here we can enter a state of non-judgement to be more present and aware.When we connect more deeply with our heart, we connect to our inner light and true essence, accessing our intuition. From here we operate from our wholeness and can make more soul-aligned choices.As each one of us practices heart-coherence, we emanate this into our energy fields. When we come together as a group to do this, we amplify the effects and start to shift the consciousness of humanity towards more unity, love and harmony.My light language is a transmission from my heart to your heart and does not need to be understood. I bring through whatever is needed for the group each week.

testimonials for heart haven

"I met Emily at the beginning of 2023 when a mutual friend invited me to Emily's weekly meditation group, and I was immediately captivated by her energy, presence, and abundant light. She is a gifted and empathetic healer whose ability to tune into the group's energy is uncanny.Emily's integrity, availability, and vulnerability highly resonate with me. I especially enjoy how she manages to start and end every session on time and the kindness with which she ensures that we stay on topic.But the most significant outcome for me is what I get from Emily's Light Language transmissions. I appreciate how she "gets out of the way" and allows the Light messages to come through her, unfiltered and utterly devoid of judgment.Her voice cuts through my conscious mind and its preconceptions, getting through to my core and unlocking parts of my psyche that had remained dormant, in some cases, for decades, thus supporting my healing process.Emily has the gift of service. Intentionality is the name of the game, and Emily plays it flawlessly. I highly recommend that you join us for what I am sure will also be a magnificent experience for you."Neidy Lozada, MATP, Founder and CEO, Soulful Sojourners, LLC • California, USA

"I was recommended Emily’s weekly Heart Haven session and was especially interested in her Light Language. She didn’t disappoint. In my very first experience with her - I was taken straight into a past life which showed me a theme that repeats in this life. Since this first session - that theme has gradually dropped away. Entering it in my past life has allowed it to shift. I would thoroughly recommend experiencing any of Emily’s Light Language sessions. She is a very gifted healer - whose Super Power is definitely her Light Language. Many thanks Emily for sharing your Magic!!!"Rachel Gale West Midlands • UK

"I have other great teachers whom I'm learning from, after 30 years of yoga and much deep work – with six deep retreats just over the last two years. Yet, your cleansing videos, including light language, feel so real, genuine and heart-warming that I listened for a third day to them. So grateful for your weekly free group sessions as well, wow, so beautiful. Looking forward to next Tuesday! This is just what I need right now. Thank you so much!!"Steinar Sanata Almelid • Norway

"Emily's Heart Haven weekly meditation is a wonderful heart container. I felt safe and welcomed the moment I saw her. With her gentle and loving voice, she guided us back into our heart center in a very beautiful way. I felt so safe that I could release some heavy emotions and come back into my heart center again. After this blissful grounding experience, we received one of the most powerful light language transmissions. My whole system opened up and I felt a deep recalibration within my sacral and solar plexus chakra. Before the session, I felt some sticky energies in my auric field, that she removed within this session. I still feel the healing waves and on top of that, even in my Dreamtime somebody adjusted a pinched nerve or something in my spine (neck area), that was bothering me for months. It’s gone now. This was one of the most magical experiences for me. Thank you so much, for this magical gift! This is just beyond what words can describe."Janine N. • Germany

"Thank you so much for providing such an incredible experience, I can honestly say it felt like I had shifted and found space in my heart and sacral chakras"T • UK

"Emily's heart haven is a beautiful way to connect with ones self and like minded people who live from their heart centre. We learn wonderful tools each week to build on the skills of self regulation, which is something that I think everyone in the world should be taught. I fully intend to teach it to my children and hope that in the future it will be taught in all schools. Thank you Emily for giving so generously of your heart and your time. You are a truly special guide."Brenda Griffiths • Chester, UK

Love being with Emily's offerings. As a neurodivergent person who struggles with more mainstream meditation techniques, I find Emily's way very accommodating and inclusive. I usually struggle to meditate in stillness on my own with the mind that I experience, and after going to Heart Haven I meditated on my own for the first time in years!! I found that I was able to open up to more nurturing options for myself during my days too, rather than only the rigid routine I usually feel is the only way to regulate myself. I love Emily's energy and appreciate all her knowledge that helps create safe space that I would highly recommend. Thank you Emily!Roxanne Heylen • Perth, Western Australia

Your meditation sessions help reconnect me to my deeper wisdom and the spirit within. I would recommend this re-centering as a respite from daily life.
J. M. • Colorado, USA

A Beautiful space with a Beautiful Healer. I Love coming to the Heart Haven meditation! For the past 6 months this has been a great opportunity to practice the beautiful healing power of the heart, come home to self, and a perfect weekly mid day 20 minute reset supporting the practice of Heart Coherence so that I am ready to serve others from the Heart. Thank You for your Beautiful service to the world.Tee Joy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Coach and Heartmath Practitioner • Colorado, USA

contact me

Emily Hayward

Please book an introductory call or email me a message.

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  • I will be in touch with you soon

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  • You will receive an email shortly, with further instructions.

Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

Personalised light language transmissionsBy purchasing the personalised light language transmission you agree to the following:* No driving, operating heavy machinery, or doing anything that needs your detailed focus or attention during sessions or when listening to all replays.* Do not share your link with anyone. This transmission is personal to you and is only for those who have paid and agreed to collaborate with me.* You are a sovereign being and are on your own journey and therefore take full responsibility to discern all information being transmitted for yourself to determine whether the information is right for you or not right for you.* You take full responsibility for all conclusions drawn, and choices made and for all physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic and situational changes and results during and following these sessions.* These sessions address very intimate parts of your inner and outer life. It is possible that changes can occur in situations, relationships, and the mental, physical, emotional and energy bodies during and following these sessions.* Emotional and physical detox can occur during and following all healing sessions.* Subsequent emotional, situational, physical, spiritual and energetic layers can surface and change following all healing sessions.* Emily Hayward is not a licensed therapist or doctor and is not prescribing.* Although psychological and physical issues are addressed, sessions are not a substitution or replacement for licensed therapy or medical care.These healing sessions are for adults only. I do not recommend these for under 18-year-olds without speaking to them first.One-to-One SessionsThe Mentoring Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions outlined below define the relationship between Emily Hayward and the Client and underpin any services delivered by Emily Hayward. Please make sure you read the following and if you have any questions or queries then please feel free to contact me at [email protected].Mentoring DisclaimerI understand that the mentoring services and light language transmissions I will be receiving from Emily Hayward are not offered as a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental health or medical conditions. I also understand that Emily Hayward is not acting as a mental health counsellor or a medical professional.For legal purposes, I understand that mentoring and light language transmissions are currently an unregulated industry and that Emily Hayward is not “licensed “ by any UK body even though the sessions may take place in the UK.I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being during my mentoring sessions and light language transmissions, and subsequently, including my choices and decisions.I understand that mentoring and light language transmissions are not a substitute for counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment, and I will not use it in place of any form of therapy.I understand that all comments and ideas offered by Emily Hayward are solely to aid me in achieving the defined goals I create with Emily Hayward. I have the ability to give my informed consent and hereby give such consent to Emily Hayward to assist me in achieving such goals and understand that results are not guaranteed.I understand that Emily Hayward will protect my information as confidential unless I state otherwise in writing. If I report child, elder abuse or neglect or threaten to harm myself or someone else, I understand that necessary actions will be taken and my confidentiality agreement limited in this capacity. Furthermore, if Emily Hayward is ordered by a court to provide information or to testify, he/she will do so to the extent the law requires.I understand that the use of technology is not always secure and I accept the risks of confidentiality in the use of email, text, phone, Zoom and other technology.General Terms and Conditions1. DESCRIPTIONMentoring is a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between Emily Hayward and the Client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential.Mentoring is a collaborative conversation that aims to help you, the mentee, gain clarity and insights. It is focused purely on your agenda. Mentoring helps you discover the right way to progress, and by asking questions, helps you to find the right answers and take actions. Mentoring is supportive and non-judgemental. You enter into mentoring with the understanding that you are responsible for creating your own results.2. RESPONSIBILITIES1. Emily Hayward agrees to maintain a high level of ethics and standards of behaviour.2. The Client is responsible for creating and implementing his/her own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results. As such, the Client agrees that Emily Hayward is not and will not be liable for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by Emily Hayward. The client understands mentoring is not therapy and does not substitute for therapy if needed, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease.3. The Client understands that mentoring is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals and will seek independent professional guidance for such matters. If the Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, Emily Hayward will recommend that the Client inform the mental health care provider and the client may need to have a referral letter from their health care provider.4. The Client agrees to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance and create the time and energy to participate fully in the program.3. SERVICESThe mentoring schedule will be arranged between Emily Hayward and the Client and can be booked up to 3 months in advance. Emily Hayward will recommend the frequency of mentoring sessions based on a professional assessment of the client’s requirements. This recommendation, or plan, is not binding and may be altered and adjusted throughout the mentoring journey by mutual agreement, in accordance with the terms set out in this agreement.Emily Hayward may be available to the Client by email in between scheduled meetings as defined by Emily Hayward prior to engagement and notified by email to the Client. Emily Hayward may also be available for additional time, per the Client’s request on a prorated basis as defined by Emily Hayward.Emily Hayward may agree to provide additional mentoring sessions after completion of the initial agreed session(s). These terms and conditions will apply to any additional sessions so provided and the Per Session or Per Programme Fees will remain the same as originally agreed except where Emily Hayward notifies the client in writing by letter or email of a change to the Fee or to any other term or condition in accordance with the section in these terms and conditions headed “Variation of Terms and Conditions”.Where any client is unhappy with any of the terms and conditions they can contact Emily Hayward to discuss any concerns and see if they can be resolved before the first mentoring session. Participation by any individual in the first mentoring session constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.4. SCHEDULE AND FEESThe schedule (including number and frequency of sessions) and the fees due for the Client mentoring sessions will be agreed upon at the start of mentoring between Emily Hayward and the Client and confirmed by Emily Hayward by email or written correspondence. Where no specific number is agreed sessions will be provided on a session by session basis.The date that the first mentoring session takes place shall be deemed to be the start date for the service.In return for the fees payable by the Client (or by a third party on their behalf), Emily Hayward agrees to provide the service as described in this agreement and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this agreement. The client agrees to pay fees for the service on the terms and conditions set out in this agreement (in situations where a third party pays the fees, the third party counts as an agent acting on behalf of the client).5. PROCEDUREThe time of the mentoring meetings and/or location or communication technology used (such as Zoom) will be determined by Emily Hayward and the Client based on a mutually agreed upon time. Emily Hayward will initiate all scheduled calls or Zoom calls. Please be aware that all calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes. If you would like a copy of any conversations for your own records then please feel to make a request in writing to Emily Hayward.6. BETWEEN SESSIONSEmily Hayward may assign the Client tasks or exercises to complete between mentoring sessions. There is no obligation on the client to complete these items of ‘homework’, but not doing so may slow the client’s progress in gaining improved quality of life or achieving desired business or personal outcomes.The Client may contact Emily Hayward by email between sessions to seek clarification regarding anything arising from a mentoring session or for administrative purposes (e.g. where a client needs to rearrange a mentoring session or make a payment). Additional mentoring or support work can also be provided between sessions but there will be an additional charge. Emily Hayward will always advise a client in advance if the nature of a client’s contact is likely to incur an additional charge and no such charges will be imposed without the Client’s agreement.7. CONFIDENTIALITYThis mentoring relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that the Client shares with Emily Hayward as part of this relationship, is bound to confidentiality but is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like in Medicine or Law). Emily Hayward agrees not to disclose any information pertaining to the Client without the Client’s written consent. Emily Hayward will not disclose the Client’s name as a reference without the Client’s consent. Confidential information does not include information that: (a) was in Emily Hayward’s possession prior to its being furnished by the Client; (b) is generally known to the public or in the Client’s industry; (c) is obtained by Emily Hayward from a third party, without breach of any obligation to the Client; (d) is independently developed by Emily Hayward without the use of or reference to the Client’s confidential information; or (e) that Emily Hayward is required by law to disclose.According to the ethics of our profession, topics may be anonymously and hypothetically shared with other mentoring professionals for training, supervision, mentoring, evaluation, and further mentor professional development and/or consultation purposes.8. CANCELLATION AND LATENESS POLICYThe Client agrees that it is the Client’s responsibility to notify Emily Hayward at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled online or in-person meeting if the client cannot attend the session. If applicable, the Client will be billed for a missed session if the client does not turn up or hasn't rescheduled in accordance with the Cancellation and Lateness Policy defined in this agreement. Emily Hayward will wait for 15 minutes before the Client is noted as not turning up for the session.9. PAYMENT TERMSFees can be paid online by debit or credit card using the online booking system, or by bank transfer to a UK bank. Where receipts are requested by the client, they will be sent by email unless otherwise requested.Fees are payable in advance at the time of booking and only on receipt of payment in full is a booking confirmed unless otherwise agreed. Where payment has not been received by Emily Hayward in advance of a mentoring session Emily Hayward is not obliged to provide the session.Where payment is required on receipt of invoice rather than in advance, a charge may be levied for late payment.Where a client pays for a session or sessions in advance they must have the mentoring session(s) that they have paid for within 6 months of the payment or their fee is forfeited.10. REFUNDSThere are no refunds available on individual sessions, programme bookings, package bookings or subscriptions.11. TERMINATIONEither the Client or Emily Hayward may terminate this agreement at any time, but no refunds may be given.12. VARIATION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONSWhere an Initial Number of Sessions is agreed, any changes to these terms and conditions intended to take effect prior to the conclusion of those Initial Number of Sessions will only have effect if agreed by both Emily Hayward and the Client and confirmed by Emily Hayward in writing by email or letter.In other cases, Emily Hayward may change any of these terms or conditions including the Per Session Fee by giving the client one week’s notice in writing by letter or email of the change(s). If following receipt of such notification of change, the client no longer wishes to proceed with further mentoring sessions, they may withdraw from the service immediately by giving notice in writing by email or letter.13. GOVERNING LAWThis contract is governed by the law of England whose courts have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any dispute, disagreement, proceedings or legal claim of any nature relating to the service provided or the contract.14. FEEDBACKFeedback about the service is welcomed and can be given during a mentoring session or by writing to: [email protected].15. LIMITED LIABILITYExcept as expressly provided in this agreement, Emily Hayward makes no guarantees or warranties, express or implied. In no event will Emily Hayward be liable to the Client for consequential or special damages. Notwithstanding any damages that the Client may incur, Emily Hayward’s entire liability under this agreement, and the Client’s exclusive remedy, will be limited to the amount paid by the Client to Emily Hayward under this agreement for all services rendered up until the termination date.This document, together with the terms and disclaimer shown in the medical and nutrition questionnaire completed prior to engagement, is the entire agreement of the parties and reflects a complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter. This agreement supersedes all prior written and oral representations.

Privacy Policy1. DATA PROTECTIONThe information you have provided is subject to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).By agreeing to the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy at the time of booking, you are consenting to us to processing your personal data, both manually and by electronic means.Your data will be used for the sole purpose of activities related to supporting the services provided by Emily Hayward (incl. direct correspondence between Emily Hayward and client, booking procedures, session records and news/updates related to the services and activities of Emily Hayward) and we will not share your data with any other parties.If at any time, should you wish to withdraw consent, for us to processing your personal data or sensitive data, please contact Emily Hayward at: [email protected].You may be assured that we will treat all personal data and sensitive personal data confidentially and securely and will not process it other than for a legitimate purpose associated with the service we will provide you. Steps will be taken to ensure that the information is accurate, kept up to date and not kept for longer than is necessary.Measures will be taken to safeguard against unauthorised or unlawful processing and accidental loss or destruction or damage to data.Subject to certain exceptions, you are entitled to have access to your personal and sensitive personal data that is held by us.You will not be charged for us supplying you with such data, however, we do reserve the right to apply a ‘reasonable’ fee where requests are deemed excessive.We will respond to your request as soon as possible and within the maximum time frame of 1 month. Where it is deemed excessive this may take longer and you will be notified with a time frame.2. DATA PROCESSING6 Principles of GDPR:Your data will be lawfully and fairly processed in a transparent manner.Your data is collected on the grounds of clear, transparent and legitimate reasons.We will only ask for your data when necessary, explain when and with whom your data will be shared.Your data will be accurate, kept up to date and erased, without delay, should your data no longer be required for the reason for which it was originally processed.Your data will be retained for as long as necessary.Your data will be kept secure at all times.An additional principle sets out the Accountability, where we shall be responsible for and demonstrate compliance according to General Data Protection regulations.3. YOUR RIGHTSThe points below are clear rights you have under the data protection (GDPR). Please ask us for more information and explanation of each, should you wish to;The right to be informedThe right of accessThe right to rectificationThe right to erasureThe right to restrict processingThe right to data portabilityThe right to object